The Christian And Gambling

Gambling is very much a part of American life today. A USA Today article reports that gambling interests are spending millions in lobbying Congress. Time Magazine has said gambling is among the “biggest and fastest growing commercial activities in the United States.” It has been estimated that illegal gambling takes in as much as $50 billion dollars every year.

Add to this all the “legal gambling” (such as bingo games and lotteries sponsored by churches and political organizations) and “innocent gambling” (like football, football pools, golf games, etc.), and we are not surprised to hear that 80% of our population considers gambling to be an acceptable activity.

We are informed that there are six million “compulsive gamblers” in the U.S., and nearly 500 chapters of Gamblers Anonymous to help them deal with their “affliction.”

With all the gambling going on around us, what should the Christian’s attitude be toward it?

See here.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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