7 Body-Language Tricks To Make Anyone Instantly Like You

There's no question in this writer's mind that "how" people perceive us through our body language, will either make us either successful or unsuccessful in our everyday interaction with our fellow man. We will either be perceived as an enemy, or as a friend (note the word "countenance" and how the word is used in various Old Testament and New Testament contexts).

There's a school district supervisor that I know who can simply enter a room, and through his body language, the people in that room can immediately sense the following about him without him ever uttering a word: (1) he is arrogant; (2) he is superior to others in intellect; (3) he is hypercritical of others; (4) he shows little or no respect for the feelings of others; (5) he "demands" service rather than asking, "Can you help me, please?"

The above supervisor could definitely profit from this above titled article by Maggie Zhang,

In fact, all of us can profit from Ms. Zhang's good article, bringing to our minds an awareness of "how" people perceive us through our body language, before any of us utter a word.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
