To understand how much information is coming into our mind and going out of our mind, Ms. Bracy provides us with the following mind-boggling statistics:
"According to a 2011 study reported by the Telegraph, we receive about 200 newspapers-worth of information everyday. And how much information does the average person produce? About 6 newspapers-worth. Whether you’re sending messages via text or Tinder, it all adds up."
What is the effect of processing volumes of information on an individual's brain?
"Researchers have found that social media might promote narcissism, smartphones could be causing insomnia, and screens seem to be making our kids less empathetic. “Our brains will always be seduced by the high stimuli [of constant connectivity] because of the dopamine that it provides," Blumberg explained in another interview. "It's really similar to having ADHD.”
Beloved, Satan is always finding ways in which to keep God's people from effectively reading and studying His Book. This is exactly why that we as God's children need to find a quiet place where we can effectively connect with Him and meditate on His Word.
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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