On various Internet Bible forums this writer has been a member of in past years, forum members of the denominational persuasion have posted the claim that churches of Christ were originated by Alexander Campbell.
The following article by Brother Ken Chumbley entitled, “Pre-Campbell Christianity” solidly dispels this claim (also see this source).
As editor of The Millennial Harbinger, Alexander Campbell wrote in the March 1, 1830 edition of his publication under the title “Anti-Campbellism“:
“We do protest against christening the gospel of Jesus and the christian religion, by the name of any mortal man. To carry the principle out, we ought to call every man’s sentiments by his name. Because we have disclaimed creeds, names. and sects, our adversaries seem to take a pleasure in designating our writings and speeches by the name creed, Campbellism, theory, system, &c. This is both unmanly, and unchristian. Men, fond of nicknaming, are generally weak in reason, argument, and proof.“
Folks, does this sound like Alexander Campbell originated the churches of Christ? The above quote should be proof enough that he did not from his own pen. Here is an additional study by Brother Wayne Jackson, Editor of the Christian Courier, relative to the subject of Pre-Campbell Christianity.
According to Matthew 16:18, our Lord is the originator of the New Testament church — not Mr. Campbell or any other mere mortal. The inspired Scriptures also declare that our Lord is the “chief cornerstone” of this spiritual structure (Ephesians 2:20; cf. 1 Corinthians 3:10-11) — the same spiritual institution that He “purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28) — the one that was established on the day of Pentecost, 33 A.D. (Acts 2:1-47).
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
The following article by Brother Ken Chumbley entitled, “Pre-Campbell Christianity” solidly dispels this claim (also see this source).
As editor of The Millennial Harbinger, Alexander Campbell wrote in the March 1, 1830 edition of his publication under the title “Anti-Campbellism“:
“We do protest against christening the gospel of Jesus and the christian religion, by the name of any mortal man. To carry the principle out, we ought to call every man’s sentiments by his name. Because we have disclaimed creeds, names. and sects, our adversaries seem to take a pleasure in designating our writings and speeches by the name creed, Campbellism, theory, system, &c. This is both unmanly, and unchristian. Men, fond of nicknaming, are generally weak in reason, argument, and proof.“
Folks, does this sound like Alexander Campbell originated the churches of Christ? The above quote should be proof enough that he did not from his own pen. Here is an additional study by Brother Wayne Jackson, Editor of the Christian Courier, relative to the subject of Pre-Campbell Christianity.
According to Matthew 16:18, our Lord is the originator of the New Testament church — not Mr. Campbell or any other mere mortal. The inspired Scriptures also declare that our Lord is the “chief cornerstone” of this spiritual structure (Ephesians 2:20; cf. 1 Corinthians 3:10-11) — the same spiritual institution that He “purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28) — the one that was established on the day of Pentecost, 33 A.D. (Acts 2:1-47).
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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