Christians Are Entrusted With The Gospel

In addition to the spiritual blessings we have "in Christ" (Ephesians 1:3), Christians have been given a great responsibility of taking the saving gospel to a world lost in sin (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; cf. 2 Timothy 2:1-2; 2 Timothy 4:1-2).

In order to make certain that we achieve the above responsibility given to us by our Lord, we’ve been "entrusted" with the gospel of Christ (1 Thessalonians 2:4; cf. 1 Timothy 6:20; 2 Timothy 1:8-14). Paul realized the importance of carrying out this responsibility — so much so, that he stated: “For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16).

Because Paul had once persecuted the church, he felt a greater need and obligation to take the saving gospel to a world lost in sin (Gal. 1:11-17; cf. Acts 8:3; Acts 9:1-2; 1 Timothy 1:11-16). Because Paul had received abundant mercy and forgiveness from God, he felt obligated to teach others about God’s mercy and forgiveness (James 2:13; cf. Luke 6:36; Matthew 18:23-35).

God has also given each of us various abilities (Matthew 25:14-30) to carry out the above responsibility of teaching and preaching the gospel. We’ll be judged on how we used our abilities respective of the opportunities that came our way. Did we take advantage of every opportunity to preach and teach Christ to others, or did we miss a few? Looking at the blessings we have in Christ, plus the mercy and forgiveness our Lord has extended to us through the saving gospel (Romans 5:1-11; Ephesians 1:3-9; Romans 1:16), let us remember what our Lord said in Luke 12:48: “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.

Beloved, as enumerated above, we’ve indeed been given much, thus the Lord requires much of us in return. He has entrusted and committed the gospel into our hands (see video). Let us never violate that trust, but continue to preach and teach the Word in its entirety (2 Timothy 4:1-2; Acts 20:17-27), until its our time to go home to be with the Lord (2 Timothy 4:6-8; John 14:1-4).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
