Whitney Houston And The Problems Of Life

Pop music icon, Whitney Houston, was only 48 years old at the time of her death in 2012, a relatively young woman with an already successful singing career, cut short in the prime of her life. The cause of her death was listed as accidental drowning, but chronic drug use played a part as well (see article).

Like many celebrities who died before reaching the age of 50 (see article), Whitney Houston had major ongoing problems with drugs and alcohol, causing her to enter into a drug rehabilitation facility in 2011 (see article). 

FamousCelebrityDrugAddicts.com states that “Whitney has repeatedly denied that she is addicted to drugs and has even publicly denied that she takes drugs of any kind, but friends and witnesses have seen the evidence that is left behind after her regular binges.

The following statements from the above website are telling: “Rumors have surfaced recently that Whitney is spending nearly $6,000 a day on cocaine and other drugs. One party promoter who witnessed her destructive behavior recently stated that he would not be surprised if Whitney Houston lost her life and her battle with addiction within a matter of months from the amount of drugs she was consuming.

There’s no question in this writer’s mind that Whitney Houston had a troubled heart. She could not find rest for her soul, because she was desperately searching for that rest in the wrong place.

Beloved, are we experiencing overwhelming problems in our life today similar to what Whitney Houston was experiencing? Rather than wishing we could fly away and escape our problems, we can bring them to our Lord for resolution (1 Peter 5:6-7). We can find rest for our souls (Matthew 11:28-29) because He will lovingly provide us with “peace at the center” — a peace that "passes all understanding" (Philippians 4:6-7).

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