The Practice Of Stillness

One of the most difficult things to do in today's fast-paced society, is the practice of being still. In this above titled article by Michael Hyatt, best selling author and leadership guru, Mr. Hyatt lists the following three reasons for practicing the discipline of stillness:

1) To maintain [spiritual] perspective.
2) To stay connected to your true self — live from the inside out.
3) Have more internal margin in our life — more room to notice what matters most (Matthew 6:33). Also see this article.

Mr. Hyatt then offers seven suggestions as to how we can practice stillness in our everyday lives.

Also note the following scriptures and how the word "still" is used in each context: Exodus 14:13; Numbers 9:8; Joshua 3:8; Ruth 3:18; 1 Samuel 9:27; 1 Samuel 12:7; 2 Samuel 2:28; 2 Samuel 18:30; 2 Chronicles 20:17; Job 37:14; Psalm 4:4; Psalm 46:10; Jeremiah 47:6; Matthew 20:32; Mark 10:49.

Beloved, there are many spiritual benefits in being "still" — one of those benefits being to "know God" to a greater extent than ever before.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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