The Diary Of A Bible

From the Lawrence Avenue congregation bulletin (Nashville, Tennessee), dated March 31, 1966, Vol. 28, No. 13, comes the above titled article by an unknown author. It is an interesting possibility of what might happen to a Bible throughout the course of a year. Hopefully, the diary of our Bibles can report that they were read with greater frequency than the following diary reported (Psalm 1:1-2; Psalm 119:15-16; Psalm 119:48; Acts 17:11):

January 1 — Early this morning, my owner came over to the table upon which I was lying and picked me up. She dusted me carefully, and then sat down in a comfortable chair. She read for a few minutes and then stopped, for it was time for a good television program to come on.
January 15 — My owner must have remembered her New Year’s resolution, for today she dusted me and carefully laid me down after reading two verses.
February 4 — The preacher came today. I was dusted and carried to him. He read a chapter, and then after he left, I returned to my accustomed place.
May 5 — Aunt Sadie is visiting here today. She carefully lifted me this morning, and taking me to her room, she read and read. Part of the time, she quoted some my contents [Scriptures] to herself. Tears fell on my back while she was praying.
May 20 — I am back in my regular place today. For quite a while, I have been in the guest room. Aunt Sadie enjoyed my company and I have enjoyed the love she has shown me.
June 30 — I had four wild flowers stuck in me today.
July 30 — I was packed in a bag. Guess it must be vacation time.
August 2 — Back home. It was quite a journey. Everything except me was taken out of the bag on the trip. I wonder why I was taken?
August 10 — My, it’s stuffy and hot in here. There are two magazines, a book, and a straw hat on top of me.
September 5 — I was dusted again.
September 15 — Janie took me down this afternoon. Her Sunday school class is having a Bible verse contest.
January 1 — It must be that my owner made another New Year’s resolution. Here she comes with that dust rag again!

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
