Do We Not Remember, "Government Of The People, By The People, And For The People"?

After reading this American Thinker article, by author Fay Voshell, describing just how far the radical element in our society will go, in order to depose someone they don't like, my eyes focused on what respondent Deportem wrote in the comments section:

"Excellent article, but the issue that was not addressed is “what causes the great divide between the left and the right”? The theological answer is that “Leftists” reject divine viewpoint. They consider man as the ultimate source of truth. They consider man as totally self-sufficient and independent from God, thus they reject God’s authority to govern the affairs of men. The essence of “Leftism” is “Human Viewpoint”, otherwise known as “Secular Humanism”. It began in the Garden of Eden when the Serpent (Satan) asked “Hath God said”? Questioning the truth of God’s Word was the beginning of liberalism. In other words, the Bible equates liberals to those who follow Satan."

Respondent Deportem hits the proverbial nail on the head when he states: "They consider man as totally self-sufficient and independent from God, thus they reject God’s authority to govern the affairs of men." Rebellious mankind indeed rejects God's authority (Romans 1:13-32 - see AT article). When a nation (or individual) no longer willingly follows and obeys God's truth (John 17:17), then God's judgment will soon follow (Jeremiah 18:1-10; Jeremiah 24; Jeremiah 26:1-7; cf. Psalm 9:17). God does not and will not tolerate rebellion of any kind (1 Samuel 15).

In closing, Ms. Voshell points out the following to any radical element in our society and nation:

"For those who believe the wrong person is in office and that a great pretender is living in the White House, it is high time to remember we do not live under an aristocracy but under the rule of the Constitution of the United States. We do not believe in aristocratic succession to the presidency. It is high time everyone who desires the exit of any president remembers the great remedy our constitutional republic has firmly in place; a remedy that has been effectively utilized for hundreds of years: Voting to elect the person the American public wishes to be in high office. And…stop suggesting the guillotining of Donald Trump, the president of the United States of America."

Beloved, do we not remember, "Government of the people, by the people, and for the people"? (source).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
