What's New With A Woman's Right To Choose?

The above title to this article, asks a good question. Women have always had the right to choose, ever since Eve made the choice to disobey God and partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:15-17; Genesis 3:1-13).

But they do not have the right to terminate a living being growing inside their body, called a "child" or "baby" (Luke 1:39-44 NLT -- see here). Also see Proverbs 6:17.

Aborting or terminating the life of a human being is considered murder in the eyes of God (Genesis 9:6; Exodus 20:13; Exodus 21:12; Numbers 35:30 NLT). And murderers "will not inherit the kingdom of God" (Galations 5:20-21; cf. Revelation 21:8 ).

Brother Wes McAdams, both a preacher of the gospel and a blogger (see here), has written this good article, listing 5 things we need to realize about abortion.

Beloved, the bottom line is that as Christians, we need to uphold the sanctity of human life as God does, and the breath of life as precious and a blessing from Him (Acts 17:24,28).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

Related Articles: here and here
