Jack Hellner, one of the writers for the American Thinker online publication, has recently written an above titled article here, Mr. Hellner presents the idea that some ruling authorities in our nation are bypassing existing laws, if they deem them non-applicable to their personal agenda.
In 2 Samuel 11, we see that King David had a personal agenda -- that of committing adultery with Uriah's wife, Bathsheba. When he lustfully saw her washing herself on a nearby rooftop, his lustful thoughts overrode his better judgment, and he willingly violated God's law regarding adultery (Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18; cf. Matthew 5:27-28).
The consequences for violating God's adultery law did not turn out well for King David (2 Samuel 12). God's principle of sowing and reaping is an eternal principle, no matter what the evil, sinful agenda of men might be (Galations 6:7-8). There's always a price to pay for sin (Romans 5:12; 6:23; James 1:15).
As we can plainly see above, governing authorities are just as much subject to existing authoritative laws, as the citizens of a nation are. The future will not turn out well for those governing authorities who choose to circumvent existing laws for their own evil agendas (Matthew 23:1-33; Romans 13:1-7)
In the comments section of the above article, chichilouise comments:
"The question is a very real one. If governors and mayors and police chiefs and legislators decide they can defy laws they do not agree with, do they not realize what chaos will ensue if their example is followed among the populace? They do not realize how many of their unConstitutional regulations are odious and burdensome to businesses and families alike. These Democrat leaders who are defying our immigration laws are fools."
Yes, they are "fools" indeed (Romans 1:18-22).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
In 2 Samuel 11, we see that King David had a personal agenda -- that of committing adultery with Uriah's wife, Bathsheba. When he lustfully saw her washing herself on a nearby rooftop, his lustful thoughts overrode his better judgment, and he willingly violated God's law regarding adultery (Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18; cf. Matthew 5:27-28).
The consequences for violating God's adultery law did not turn out well for King David (2 Samuel 12). God's principle of sowing and reaping is an eternal principle, no matter what the evil, sinful agenda of men might be (Galations 6:7-8). There's always a price to pay for sin (Romans 5:12; 6:23; James 1:15).
As we can plainly see above, governing authorities are just as much subject to existing authoritative laws, as the citizens of a nation are. The future will not turn out well for those governing authorities who choose to circumvent existing laws for their own evil agendas (Matthew 23:1-33; Romans 13:1-7)
In the comments section of the above article, chichilouise comments:
"The question is a very real one. If governors and mayors and police chiefs and legislators decide they can defy laws they do not agree with, do they not realize what chaos will ensue if their example is followed among the populace? They do not realize how many of their unConstitutional regulations are odious and burdensome to businesses and families alike. These Democrat leaders who are defying our immigration laws are fools."
Yes, they are "fools" indeed (Romans 1:18-22).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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