A one world government "is the notion of a common political authority for all of humanity, yielding a global government and a single state that exercises authority over the entire Earth" (source). According to this American Thinker article by author, Shari Goodman, there are five such rich and powerful globalists in our nation today. In her concluding remarks, Ms. Goodman states: "Many Americans are waking up to the reality that American politics is no longer about Republicans and Democrats. Now more than ever, it is a war between the elite established American oligarchy and the American people."
This writer disagrees with Ms. Goodman regarding the above war. In reality, the war is between God and the nations who have kicked God out of them (Romans 1:16-32 NET). In Psalm 47:1-4 NET, the Psalmist states that God is "the great king who rules the whole earth!" (vs. 2); not any one man ruler. In Deuteronomy 7, God told Israel that if they would obey His instructions, He would bless them above all peoples of the earth (vs. 14-15) and would assist them in destroying all Canaanite nations that promoted idolatry and idol worship (vs. 16-26). God does not and will not tolerate sin (Habakkuk 1:12-13; cf. Romans 6:23; Galations 6:7-8).
When the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar thought he was invincible, God humbled him (Daniel 4) and announced that "the Most High rules in the kingdoms of men" (Daniel 4:17 NKJV) -- not Nebuchadnezzar. The ruler, Herod Agrippa I (see #5), wanted to take preeminence by receiving the glory of men, and found out very quickly that God receives the glory -- not man (Acts 12:20-23 NET).
A one world government? I think not.
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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