The question is, are we willing to implement these solutions (here and here) into our everyday lives and living? Or do we want to continue to experience the daily chaos, murder, mayhem and madness that continues unabated, not only in our society, but in every society around the world?
Since God has created mankind as free moral agents (see here and here), mankind always has the choice to either "choose" good or evil (Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Joshua 24:14-15); to obey God, or to disobey God (1 Samuel 15; Romans 6:16-18).
Beloved, we have to "choose" one of the above .... either good or evil, or to obey or disobey God .... it's that simple!
The question is, which one will we "choose"?
Know this: When mankind gets right (with God -- Isaiah 59 NLT) --- our world will be right (see here) --- and not one second before.
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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