"Societally, There Is No Putting The Genie Back Into The Bottle"

In reading author Peter Heck's American Thinker article this morning, my eyes quickly focused on the above statement in his good article.

In his article, Mr. Heck clearly understands and supports God's established moral and physical laws when he writes: "The truth is that for those who understand the reality of God and submit to His moral authority, all this sexualizing of our children was glaringly easy to see coming.  God's moral law is just as binding as the physical laws He established for our benefit.  He gives them to us not to hurt us or deprive us of happiness; He gives them to us for our own protection.  We can rebel and break those laws if we choose, but it's as foolish to say there won't be negative consequences for our morality as it would be to say there won't be negative consequences to walking off the edge of a skyscraper, proclaiming we reject God's physical law of gravity."

When our nation's Supreme Court defends and upholds perversion (in whatever form) above God's established laws, there can only be one outcome (Galations 6:7-8; cf. Romans 2:1-6; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10). As Mr. Heck writes: "When you rebel against God, you are rebelling against any firm, logical order for life and morality – including sexual.  The consequences are increasingly terrible.  They are also predictable." Mr. Heck, the consequences are indeed increasingly terrible and predictable (Romans 1:24-32 NLT).

Beloved, what's the solution for a society who rejects the God of heaven and His established laws (for man's good - Deuteronomy 6:24-25; 10:12-13)? Mr. Heck provides us with the answer: "Acknowledge that only in obedience to God can we find freedom from sin and all its ugly consequences, even when those ugly consequences are called "impressive and magical" by those who perish."

Yes, Mr. Heck, only through "obedience to God can we find freedom from sin and all its ugly consequences" (Romans 6:16-18) Also see articles herehere, here, and here.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
