In this American Thinker article by E.M. Cadwaladr, Mr. Cadwaladr correctly points out that liberal churches (under the guise of "Christian" churches) have sadly disassociated themselves from the Bible as being the authoritative word of God (see here), and in it's place substituted "the human authority of false teachers" or "a pistache of all-to-human ideas" (quotes from the above article).
As a result, the false doctrine of Universalism (see article) is now being promoted by these so-called "Christian" churches. When the authoritative word of God is set aside, the above author asks, "Should we wonder about the ordination of gay clergy?" His answer, "Not when the ultimate authority behind the church has been hijacked by human beings."
Beloved, regarding the inspired scriptures, let us not fall into the category of being among "the simple" (see here). Let us never be known as those who "wrest" the scriptures (see here), but rather those who respect God's "weave" (see here), "rightly dividing the word of truth" (see here), always testing every teaching (and teacher) we hear by the standard of God's authoritative word (see here).
By carefully adhering to God's authoritative word (see here), we keep ourselves out of the "ditch" of liberalism, staying in the "center" of God's will (Matthew 7:21 - see here).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
As a result, the false doctrine of Universalism (see article) is now being promoted by these so-called "Christian" churches. When the authoritative word of God is set aside, the above author asks, "Should we wonder about the ordination of gay clergy?" His answer, "Not when the ultimate authority behind the church has been hijacked by human beings."
Beloved, regarding the inspired scriptures, let us not fall into the category of being among "the simple" (see here). Let us never be known as those who "wrest" the scriptures (see here), but rather those who respect God's "weave" (see here), "rightly dividing the word of truth" (see here), always testing every teaching (and teacher) we hear by the standard of God's authoritative word (see here).
By carefully adhering to God's authoritative word (see here), we keep ourselves out of the "ditch" of liberalism, staying in the "center" of God's will (Matthew 7:21 - see here).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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