We Cannot Compromise God's Word Or Serve Two Masters

After reading this NPR article regarding Christian colleges being "tangled" in their own LGBT policies, the question this writer has for the leaders of these so-called "Christian" colleges is, why are you so "tangled" in LGBT policies when Bible teaching is plain and clear regarding the sinful lifestyles of homosexuals? (see hereherehere, and here).

In the beginning paragraph of the above article, note the phrase, "culture war" and "LGBT rights." Folks, "culture" (like the weather), changes second by second, minute by minute, according to the direction of the prevailing "wind of doctrine" (Ephesians 4:14). However, the inspired doctrine that Jesus taught, does not change on the whims of fickle human culture (see here).

And as far as "LBGT rights" are concerned, do the people included under the umbrella of this ungodly movement have the "right" to transgress God's law regarding the sinful lifestyle of the homosexual? (1 John 3:1-4; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 NET). To ask the question, is to answer the question. As I stated in this article, "The spiritual part of us cannot long exist on non-nutritional "I'm ok, you're ok"; "all roads lead to heaven" humanist and denominational teaching.

Beloved, New Testament Christians cannot compromise God's Word or serve two masters, and still be pleasing to God (Matthew 7:21-23; cf. James 1:5-8 NET). We must take a "stand" on God's authoritative word, or we will sink in the quicksand of human fickleness and error (Matthew 7:24-27).

One last observation in the above NPR article, is that when the author states, "God is all-encompassing and loving" (which is true - 1 John 4:8), he somehow forgets to include the fact that there are two sides of God (note the words, "judgment" and "wrath" in Romans 2:1-13). It would behoove the leaders of the above so-called "Christian" colleges to read this section of scripture, with the goal of becoming "untangled" in LGBT policies.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
