"Are The Good Times Really Over For Good?"

Back in May of 1982, the late country singer, Merle Haggard wrote and released a country song with the above title. The theme of the song was the desire for our nation to return to a simpler time (see video with lyrics).

The lyrics emphasized society's need to return to a work ethic, building and producing quality products; a time when women were women and still cooked at home (surprisingly, Millennials are cooking at home - see here).

In the first century, the inspired Apostle Paul lived in similar perilous times. He predicted that evil people, charlatans, and human persecution would increase (2 Timothy 3:13 NET - see here). 

After looking at the following two articles regarding future economic predictions for the next ten years (see here), and the moral status of our present-day society (see here),

The question becomes, "Are the good times really over for good?"

Beloved, you be the judge (see hereherehereherehere and here).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
