"What About Pain? Why Is There Evil?"

After experiencing a motorcycle accident in Colorado which caused excruciating pain, American Thinker writer Mike J. Kirkwood asks the above two questions in his article entitled, "Life After (Near) Death." Mr. Kirkwood recognizes the vast difference between narcissistic selfish love and agape selfless love (see the Golden Rule), when he states:

".....when love is "all about me," it's not love at all, but narcissism.  In such a world, there is only the prison of self-absorbed solitary confinement.  Love isn't about what you get; it's about what you are willing to give.  It comes down to this: love is the all-encompassing desire to be all and do all…for someone else."

The first above titled question, "What About Pain?" can be answered by stating there is great benefit and value in our experiencing suffering and pain (see here and here).

The second above titled question, "Why Is There Evil?" can be answered in the fourth paragraph of Wayne Jackson's good article here: "that all evil is traceable ultimately to humanity’s rebellion against the Creator" -- not only in the case of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3), but ultimately all mankind (Romans 3:9,23; 11:32; Galations 3:22).

What's the remedy to our experiencing pain and evil on this sin-cursed planet called earth? Live a faithful life of obedience and adherence to God's will and salvation plan (see here and here) with the goal of one day attaining heaven (see here and here).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
