As I read American Thinker writer, Trevor Thomas' good article here, regarding celibacy and STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), one has to realize that the diabolical left in our nation promotes not only perverted sex, but also approves multiple sexual partners outside of the God-designed marriage relationship (also see here).
Thankfully, there is a solution to the rampant STD problem we find in California (and the United States as a whole). Quoting from Mr. Thomas' good article: "there’s one group of Californians that are virtually STD-free: monogamous, married (again: one man and one woman), early-committed Christians. In other words, those who decided -- almost certainly because this was taught to them and modeled for them by their loving parents (a mother and a father) -- prior to, or early in their teenage years, to follow Jesus and adhere to His teachings on sex. This means celibacy unless married, and once married, complete sexual faithfulness to one’s spouse. If you live your life in such a way, it is nearly impossible to get an STD."
The whole purpose of a God-designed marriage relationship is to remain pure in an impure world (see here). In order to achieve this goal, the two people (male and female) desiring to enter into a sexual relationship, must realize that true marriage demands a marriage covenant -- a covenant witnessed by God Himself (Matthew 19:4-6 -- see here). Also see Hebrews 13:4.
Any other sexual relationship between two people outside a God-designed marriage relationship, will never work, simply because it will never have God's approval (see here). Worldly folk need to realize that they just can't have their cake and eat it too (see here). God's way is the only way to true happiness in a marriage relationship.
Thus, the answer to the above titled question of this article, is that Christianity is the only reasonable choice. Choosing immorality only leads to a destination of eternal damnation and separation from God (Proverbs 14:12; 16:25; cf. Isaiah 59:1-2 -- see here). Mr. Thomas realizes that Christianity is indeed the only reasonable choice, when he states: "no moral code has proved better than Christianity at producing a healthy, productive, responsible, and moral individual and society."
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
Thankfully, there is a solution to the rampant STD problem we find in California (and the United States as a whole). Quoting from Mr. Thomas' good article: "there’s one group of Californians that are virtually STD-free: monogamous, married (again: one man and one woman), early-committed Christians. In other words, those who decided -- almost certainly because this was taught to them and modeled for them by their loving parents (a mother and a father) -- prior to, or early in their teenage years, to follow Jesus and adhere to His teachings on sex. This means celibacy unless married, and once married, complete sexual faithfulness to one’s spouse. If you live your life in such a way, it is nearly impossible to get an STD."
Any other sexual relationship between two people outside a God-designed marriage relationship, will never work, simply because it will never have God's approval (see here). Worldly folk need to realize that they just can't have their cake and eat it too (see here). God's way is the only way to true happiness in a marriage relationship.
Thus, the answer to the above titled question of this article, is that Christianity is the only reasonable choice. Choosing immorality only leads to a destination of eternal damnation and separation from God (Proverbs 14:12; 16:25; cf. Isaiah 59:1-2 -- see here). Mr. Thomas realizes that Christianity is indeed the only reasonable choice, when he states: "no moral code has proved better than Christianity at producing a healthy, productive, responsible, and moral individual and society."
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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