1) Spirituality of Christians (1:1-10) - specifically noting the problem of the saints in Thessalonica (idolatry - vs. 9), the solution to the problem (repentance - "turned to God" - vs. 9), resulting in the spreading of the gospel throughout the region (vs. 8).
2) Sufferings of Christians (1:6) - note the word "affliction"; 2:1-3:10, specifically noting 2:14-15, and the key words "suffered" and "persecuted"; 3:3-4, and the key words "afflictions" and "suffer." Also note the key words in the following associated scriptures: Acts 9:16 - "suffer"; 1 Corinthians 4:9 - "death"; 2 Timothy 3:11-12 - "persecutions" - "afflictions" - "suffer."
3) Sanctification of Christians (3:11-4:12) - specifically noting 4:3-4, and the key word "sanctification." Also note the connection of this word in 2 Timothy 2:19-26 with the use of the key word "sanctified" - vs. 21 and the phrase, "pure heart" - vs. 22; 1 Corinthians 6:11-20 in the use of the key word "sanctified" - vs. 11. Note the connected contrast of this word with the words, "fornication" - vs. 13, 18 (see article); and "harlot" - vs. 16.
4) Second Coming for Christians (4:13-5:28 - see article) - Key words being "ignorant" - 4:13; "comfort" - 4:18; 5:11,14). Paul didn't want the Thessalonian brethren to be ignorant of the order of events that are to take place when Christ returns (4:13-18) so they might be comforted in having that knowledge (4:18; 5:11).
NOTE: The outline of 2 Thessalonians, along with applicable scripture references and key words, will be posted when our Bible class study of that letter has been concluded. A link to the 2 Thessalonian outline study is provided here.
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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