"Bye Bye Baby"

A few years ago Hayes Carll wrote “Bye Bye Baby,” a country music song lamenting a broken romance. This title would serve well for a song about the Pharaoh who ordered the death of all Hebrew baby boys (Exo. 1:16, 22; Acts 7:19). It would also fit Herod’s decree that resulted in the murder of all the baby boys in and around Bethlehem (Mat. 2:16). Even irreligious folk rightly recoil at such inhumane blood lust.

Bye Bye Baby would also fit a song describing what the US Supreme Court said to pre-birth infants forty-six years ago. The basic differences between the ancient and modern life-takers are: (1) they slew the defenseless babies after they were born—we do not wait that long (in most cases) and (2) the number the former killed was minuscule compared to what modern merciless sophisticates have done—and continue to do.

By the anniversary day of Roe v. Wade (Jan. 22), the number of recorded abortions in the US will reach almost 59,000,000 (see updated figures). Let us drop the epithets that mask the real horror men have visited on their own kind by this ruling. Abortion is not merely another “medical procedure,” the exercise of a mother’s “rights,” another means of “birth control,” “removal of a fetus,” a “social issue,” or another way to “plan parenthood.” Abortion is legalized murder of a living, separate human person—not merely the removal of another “appendix” or “piece of tissue” from its mother’s body.

How one can one rationalize treating a fellow human being far more cruelly than he would tolerate for the treatment of an animal is difficult to grasp. If the audio and video recordings of recent months involving Planned Parenthood officials (our nation’s largest abortion perpetrator) could not stir the national conscience—including that of Congress—one wonders what trace of conscience might still remain. Planned Parenthood officials openly, even jovially over lunch, discussed the price they charged “researchers” for a leg, an arm, a heart, a brain—even an entire head—of a mature infant. One video I watched showed a perfectly formed live baby—moving and struggling to survive, freshly extracted from its mother’s womb, placed in a stainless steel bowl. Heartless gloved hands moved the tiny head about with steel instruments—until it moved no more. Bye Bye Baby, indeed—repeated 59,000,000 times.

The apostle Paul wrote, “The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men...” (Rom. 1:18). In the long list of such evils in the context, he listed “...without natural affection, unmerciful” (v. 31b), an apt description of those who practice and promote the killing of babies, whether in or out of the womb. ---Dub McClish, TheScripturecache.com

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
