The Blessing Of Having A Hoary Head

In Leviticus 19:32 and Proverbs 16:31, the "hoary head" is mentioned. Yesterday, while standing in the median of a busy street (not a crosswalk), five cars stopped for me when the occupants noticed that I was carrying two bags of items purchased from a local Dollar Store (I was taking my morning walk).

They also observed my "hoary" or white head, plus the obvious fact that I was old and worn out.

Thus, three blessings were provided to this writer simultaneously:

Blessing #1: That the mostly Hispanic population of El Paso County, highly respect both aged men and women who possess a "hoary" head.

Blessing #2: That God's providence is still working today in the lives of both men and women, including my own.

Blessing #3: That my faith in humanity was greatly restored by observing the kindness (see video) shown to me by the occupants of the above five vehicles, who didn't have to stop, but did anyway.

Beloved, there's a great blessing in having a hoary head.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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