TDS .... A Bible Principle And Simple Solution

The letters TDS in the above heading stands for "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (here are the results). Here are the seven stages. Note the third stage: Anger and Rage. This third stage caused me to think about how detrimental to a person's soul and spirit hatred can be (see article and video). Also see rage article.

American Thinker writer Dave Ball seemingly agrees, when he states that TDS "will consume the Democratic Party" (see article). Note the word "hate" is mentioned three times. If an individual "hates" someone long enough, they will eventually be "consumed" (see definition #2 - "to destroy or damage irreparably").

Then I thought about what the Apostle Paul stated in Galations 5:15: "But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!" as well as the great storybook illustration that Brother Burton Coffman brings out in his commentary on the above verse:

"Christian faith and behavior are never more frustrated and disgraced than by spiteful criticisms, derogatory remarks, snide observations and poison-tongue fulminations of Christians against each other. The fate of any group permitting such a development issues inevitably in that of "The Gingham Dog and the Calico Cat (see YouTube video): The truth about the cat and the pup Is this: They ate each other up! The apostle said as much in this very passage."

In Galations 5:14, we have the Bible principle of agape love brought forth: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Thus, the inspired writer Paul provides us with the simple solution to anger, rage, and TDS.

Beloved, here is the bottom line: Let's be a good neighbor to everyone we meet, for how we treat people gauges the degree of our love for God (see article). It would behoove Democrats to return to the above Bible principle of loving our neighbor as ourselves as well as reinstating God back into their platform (see article).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
