We can know that congressman Schiff is "shifty" simply because he is under fire for his own "shifty" connection to a Ukrainian businessman (see article). And as author Patricia McCarthy points out in the beginning paragraph of her above American Thinker article regarding congressman Schiff:
"Something is manifestly wrong with Adam Schiff. For those of us who are political junkies, it has long been obvious that Rep. Schiff suffers from a serious form of narcissistic personality disorder. He does not, apparently cannot, differentiate between the truth and lies. His own lies come tripping off his tongue as if no one could or would possibly notice that what he says in not true. He seems not to know the difference."
Ms. McCarthy goes on to say, "Schiff apparently cannot discern the difference between the truth and fallacy, no matter how foolish the fallacy" (see article) .... which reminds me of what the inspired writer Paul recorded in Romans 1:22 via the Holy Spirit: "Professing to be wise, they became fools" (see AT article).
When we change truth into a lie (see here), and believe that lie (Romans 1:25), and expect other people to believe that lie, we are no better off than Mr. Schiff (see here). Not only do we ourselves become "shifty" .... we literally become a "double-minded" (Strong's 1374 - see here) man, "unstable in all his ways" (James 1:5-8). According to Merriam Webster, the word "unstable" means, "(a) not steady in action or movement"; (b) wavering in purpose or intent; (c) lacking steadiness: apt to move, sway. or fall" (see here).
Beloved, the wise thing to do, is to not only always tell the truth and speak the truth, but uphold the truth, no matter what the consequences might be (Acts 6:8-15; Acts 7), for there will be no liars in heaven (see here).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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