As my retired school teacher friend Ramnath Subramanian wrote in this article to the El Paso Times, "With America's Riches, Why are children still suffering?"
Children are being short-changed by our government, not only by not providing nutritional food, but a lack of money to connect every student in the United States to the Internet in order to receive a well-rounded education (see USA Today article) during the coronavirus shutdown.
As Ramnath pointed out in his above article to the El Paso Times:
"Ours is a government of millionaires, impervious to common peoples' realities. "He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent," says the Book of Proverbs [Proverbs 28:20]. Hence our children suffer."
And as I wrote in this article, "As the richest nation in the world, perhaps our present society should read and heed what the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 78:1-8 who believed in a society that strongly believed that [quoting Ram] "a child is at the heart of everything."
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
Children are being short-changed by our government, not only by not providing nutritional food, but a lack of money to connect every student in the United States to the Internet in order to receive a well-rounded education (see USA Today article) during the coronavirus shutdown.
As Ramnath pointed out in his above article to the El Paso Times:
"Ours is a government of millionaires, impervious to common peoples' realities. "He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent," says the Book of Proverbs [Proverbs 28:20]. Hence our children suffer."
And as I wrote in this article, "As the richest nation in the world, perhaps our present society should read and heed what the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 78:1-8 who believed in a society that strongly believed that [quoting Ram] "a child is at the heart of everything."
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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