Why Are Children Still Suffering?

As my retired school teacher friend Ramnath Subramanian  wrote in this article to the El Paso Times, "With America's Riches, Why are children still suffering?"

Children are being short-changed by our government, not only by not providing nutritional food, but a lack of money to connect every student in the United States to the Internet in order to receive a well-rounded education (see USA Today article) during the coronavirus shutdown.

As Ramnath pointed out in his above article to the El Paso Times:

"Ours is a government of millionaires, impervious to common peoples' realities. "He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent," says the Book of Proverbs [Proverbs 28:20]. Hence our children suffer."

And as I wrote in this article, "As the richest nation in the world, perhaps our present society should read and heed what the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 78:1-8 who believed in a society that strongly believed that [quoting Ram] "a child is at the heart of everything."

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
