Successfully Living In A "Detached" Society

There’s no question in this writer’s mind that we have been living in what I call a “detached” society for the past three generations. Just a simple observation of people in everyday life, lends credence to this belief. Sadly, we see our society becoming more and more indifferent and dispassionate about the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of people around about them (cf. Romans 1:28-31; 2 Timothy 3:1-5).

Much of this “detachment” that we find in our society, has come about because of mistrust. With all kinds of public corruption scandals going on around us, plus the possibility of some kind of terrorist attack, we’ve come to the point where no one trusts anyone (thus the need for Homeland Security, a police presence in our schools, etc.). Along with a lack of trust, comes a lack of communication with people. Thus over a period of time, people can become “detached” from society in general.

The ultimate cause of our “detached” society, is our society’s effort to become disconnected from God at every level; home, school and government (Romans 1:28; cf. Genesis 6:5; Mark 7:21-23). We have literally become our own worst enemy. An obvious question would be, “How do we as God’s people live successfully in a “detached” society?

Here are three suggestions:
By making application of the above three suggestions into our lives and everyday living, we can hopefully turn our “detached” society into an “attached” society, trusting one another and above all, trusting God to once again bless our nation by restoring moral sanity.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
