Regarding knowledge, it's interesting to note that the narrator of the above video (Daniel Edward) points to Hosea 4:6 which states: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children."
It wasn't the problem of a lack of knowledge that God's people had (by way of the Internet, we in the 21st Century are overloaded with knowledge), it was the fact that they had "rejected" the knowledge of God (cf. Romans 1:16-25), no longer wanting to "retain God in their knowledge" (Romans 1:28). Therefore, God had to "give them up" to follow their own "vile" path (Romans 1:26), which would eventually lead them, along with their children (see ending words to Hosea 4:6), to destruction (Romans 1:32; 6:23).
In the above video, the narrator points out, "we will never have a new problem" because "someone wrote the answer down in a book somewhere" (this is true, because the God-inspired Bible (see here and here) has inspired answers to every problem that life throws our way -- see here). He then lists famous people throughout history who invested their time, money, and mind in the reading of books .... one of those folks being Dr. Ben Carson. To increase his knowledge base as a young man, his mother turned off the television and made him and his siblings start reading books. We need to be as interested and dedicated to reading the Bible as Strive Masiyiwa was when he once picked up a borrowed copy of the Bible and read it in a period of three weeks (all 1189 chapters!).
Beloved, if we want to be a leader like Jesus (and all members of the Lord's church should be), we must be a reader, not only of secular books, but God's Book as well. We must invest in our mind by daily reading the Bible with an open mind (Acts 17:11), without any preconceived ideas (see here). Because a mind is a dangerous thing to waste, we must emphasize to our children (Psalm 78:1-8), the importance of reading and reading comprehension. Reading proficiency is so critical, that we and our children will miss heaven without this important skill (see here).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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