Let's Get Back To The Bible, To God, And To Moral Sanity!

Max Hastings, a writer for the U.K. publication, “Mail Online” has written an eye-opening article regarding riots in England.

Mr. Hastings comments:

The people who wrecked swathes of property, burned vehicles and terrorised communities have no moral compass to make them susceptible to guilt or shame.


They are essentially wild beasts. I use that phrase advisedly, because it seems appropriate to young people bereft of the discipline that might make them employable; of the conscience that distinguishes between right and wrong.

They respond only to instinctive animal impulses — to eat and drink, have sex, seize or destroy the accessible property of others. Their behaviour on the streets resembled that of the polar bear which attacked a Norwegian tourist camp last week. They were doing what came naturally and, unlike the bear, no one even shot them for it.

Dear reader, this is exactly what happens when God is taken out of the fabric of a society (Romans 1:18-32; 2 Peter 2:9-22; Jude 1:6-8). And this is what will happen to our society in America if we don’t start turning this ship around immediately.

And the turning around the ship begins with me and you.

Let’s get back to the Bible, to God, and to moral sanity!

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
