For a moment of time, let’s imagine how Judas must have felt as he watched his friend Jesus being led to trial with bound hands for only thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 27:9 – about $16.00 - $24.00 in today’s currency). Judas had seen those hands calm the stormy sea and touch the blind and lame — he remembered how often those loving hands had touched his own life.
For Judas, the silver was no longer a reward, but rather a reminder of what he had done to Jesus. With every step he took, the clanging coins sounded a dirge of condemnation, until in deep despair he admitted:
“I have sinned by betraying innocent blood” (Matthew 27:4).
When we make choices that betray Jesus, our lives will eventually become filled with sorrow. Even as faithful followers of Jesus, we know that our desire to love and serve Him can be on a collision course with the lure of cash incentives or other worldly seductions (cf. 2 Timothy 4:10; 1 John 2:16).
But those worldly things we have gained at His expense, will ultimately and inevitably become clanging symbols of sorrow and regret.
Beloved, the next time we have to make a choice regarding worldly acclaim, fame, or fortune — let’s remember the clatter of Judas’ condemning coins, and not betray our loving Savior.
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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For Judas, the silver was no longer a reward, but rather a reminder of what he had done to Jesus. With every step he took, the clanging coins sounded a dirge of condemnation, until in deep despair he admitted:
“I have sinned by betraying innocent blood” (Matthew 27:4).
When we make choices that betray Jesus, our lives will eventually become filled with sorrow. Even as faithful followers of Jesus, we know that our desire to love and serve Him can be on a collision course with the lure of cash incentives or other worldly seductions (cf. 2 Timothy 4:10; 1 John 2:16).
But those worldly things we have gained at His expense, will ultimately and inevitably become clanging symbols of sorrow and regret.
Beloved, the next time we have to make a choice regarding worldly acclaim, fame, or fortune — let’s remember the clatter of Judas’ condemning coins, and not betray our loving Savior.
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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