In looking at the upcoming observance of Halloween, what should the mindset of Christians be toward this day? The history behind the observance of Halloween here, here, and here indicates that it is pagan in nature, with its focus being on witchcraft [sorcery] and the occult, both of which are condemned in the Bible (Acts 8:9-11; Gal. 5:19-20; cf. Leviticus 19:31; Leviticus 20:6,27; Deuteronomy 17:2-5; Deuteronomy 18:9-14; 1 Chronicles 10:11-14; 2 Chronicles 33:1-6).
Even though the term “Halloween” is not specifically mentioned in the Bible (see here), there are several biblical principles that we must look at and adhere to as Christians, one of those principles being found in 2 Corinthians 6:14-17, which contrasts spiritual light from spiritual darkness. One of the key thoughts in this text is, “Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.”
Additionally, Christians must be examples toward believers (1 Timothy 4:12-13,15-16) as well as unbelievers (Philippians 2:5-16; 1 Peter 2:11-12). What example are we setting before them if we observe a known pagan holiday? What example are we setting before our children? Paul tells us that we are to “abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV). The J.B. Phillips translation of this verse clearly states, “Steer clear of evil in any form.”
Beloved, we need to educate our children and grandchildren as to the history behind this pagan holiday, and why we as followers of Christ should not observe such. Let us remember that we are here upon this earth to "glorify" our heavenly Father (Isaiah 43:7; Matthew 5:16). Can we honestly say that our observance of Halloween glorifies our heavenly Father?
Let us seriously think about the above thoughts, and then be directed by the holy inspired Scriptures (Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; cf. John 12:42-50).
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
Related Article: Here
Even though the term “Halloween” is not specifically mentioned in the Bible (see here), there are several biblical principles that we must look at and adhere to as Christians, one of those principles being found in 2 Corinthians 6:14-17, which contrasts spiritual light from spiritual darkness. One of the key thoughts in this text is, “Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.”
Additionally, Christians must be examples toward believers (1 Timothy 4:12-13,15-16) as well as unbelievers (Philippians 2:5-16; 1 Peter 2:11-12). What example are we setting before them if we observe a known pagan holiday? What example are we setting before our children? Paul tells us that we are to “abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV). The J.B. Phillips translation of this verse clearly states, “Steer clear of evil in any form.”
Beloved, we need to educate our children and grandchildren as to the history behind this pagan holiday, and why we as followers of Christ should not observe such. Let us remember that we are here upon this earth to "glorify" our heavenly Father (Isaiah 43:7; Matthew 5:16). Can we honestly say that our observance of Halloween glorifies our heavenly Father?
Let us seriously think about the above thoughts, and then be directed by the holy inspired Scriptures (Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; cf. John 12:42-50).
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
Related Article: Here
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