We may not realize it, but the first sermon preached on Sunday is not by the pulpit minister, but by each member of the Lord’s church! Let’s look at and think about a few of the sermons we preach by our demeanor and attitude every time we assemble:
Beloved, let us be faithful to come each service and “preach our sermons,” for they have eternal significance! (Matthew 5:14-16; John 15:8).
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
- We preach a sermon of Good Cheer when we say “Good Morning” to those we meet.
- We preach a sermon of “Welcome, We have room for you!” when we slide down the pew instead of forcing others to squeeze in front of us.
- We preach a sermon of Hope and Joy when we sing enthusiastically during the song service.
- We preach a sermon of respect for God and His Word when we listen attentively, follow the Scripture references given in our Bibles, and take notes during the sermon.
- We preach a sermon of Hope when we reverently partake of the Lord’s Supper.
- We preach a sermon of Faith when we purposely give of our means.
- We preach a sermon of Love when we smile, say hello, introduce ourselves to guests and invite them to return.
Many sermons are preached before the preacher stands in the pulpit. If they are “preached” with the right attitude of heart, then the sermon the preacher presents from the pulpit will be much better received.
Beloved, let us be faithful to come each service and “preach our sermons,” for they have eternal significance! (Matthew 5:14-16; John 15:8).
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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