Homosexuality: Science, Psychology, And Scripture

Dr. Jeff Miller, one of the Apologetics Press writers, has produced this audio presentation regarding the above topic. In his forward remarks, Dr. Miller writes:

"Society has been indoctrinated to believe the lie that toleration of homosexuality is a virtue. Those who speak out against it are vilified as mean-spirited homophobes. But Science, Psychology, and Scripture have spoken on the matter. Homosexuality is a choice. It is not genetic, and it is not healthy, physically or psychologically, for an individual or society. No wonder God condemns it in no uncertain terms. Love dictates that we warn others about its consequences."

In his presentation, Dr. Miller emphasizes the plan and purpose of the homosexual, or gay rights movement, one of those purposes being to permeate the very fabric of our society.

I would encourage all parents (and teens under their care and oversight), to carefully listen to Dr. Miller's presentation of this very important topic, because the question of homosexuality will continue to negatively influence our society for generations to come.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets 
