To Live A More Productive Life, Have Something To Look Forward To

As I was taking my morning walk today, I thought about the fact that not only should we have daily goals to achieve in order to remain active as we get older, but we should have something to look forward to as well. For example, this week I look forward to "Pork Chop Wednesday"; working at our local school district's mail room on Thursday; and having breakfast with a good friend on Friday.

Additionally, when called on, I look forward to the joy of preaching the gospel message during the Lord's Day service on Sunday morning as well as leading the song service.

Paul Hudson, staff writer for "Elite Daily," provides us with 5 ways to make our lives something to look forward to again in this article.

Beloved, the Apostle Paul looked forward to the day when He could personally be with the Lord (Philippians 1:21-23). To him, there was no better "something" to look forward to than that day!

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
