"Time Changes All Things"

There’s a whole lot of truth in the above titled phrase. Time does indeed change all things. Whole societies and the individuals who make up those societies are changed — sometimes very dramatically.

For example, in just the past twenty-five years, I have lost a great many of my relatives and friends due to death, including my wife. Somehow, we think that all of these negative events are only experienced by “someone else“ — until it happens to us or our loved ones.

However, there’s one thing that time does not change, and that’s God’s love for each one of us. No matter how old we get, or no matter how many of our loved ones have passed from this life on to that “better country” (Hebrews 11:16), we can rest assured that God’s love for us will never diminish.

How great is God’s love? The lyrics contained in this hymn express it best. It’s a love that is “rich and pure; measureless and strong …. and “shall for evermore endure.” Without the knowledge of God’s love for me, this writer would have given up a long time ago, for without my family and friends, life would no longer be worth living (cf. Job 1-2,10).

But praise God, He still loves me and cares for me (John 3:16-17; John 15:12-14; Romans 5:1-10; 1 John 4:7-12). In fact, He cares for all of his creatures, no matter what the passage of time may change or cause (1 Peter 5:7; cf. Psalm 55:22). Yes, I am very aware of the fact that time does indeed change all things, but I also am aware of the fact that the God of the universe still loves me, even to the point of knowing the number of hairs on my head (Matthew 10:30; Luke 12:7) ..... and He does not change (Malachi 3:6; cf. Numbers 23:19; James 1:17).

Beloved, let us therefore place our complete trust and confidence in God (Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 27), and He will bring us “through” all of the valleys that we experience in life caused by the passage of time (Psalm 23:4).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
