As Ms. Ball's article points out, we now live in a world that no longer speaks a language we recognize. Our politicians have spent our citizenry into oblivion, with no means to return to a sane financial state. We try to support everyone in every country in the world instead of our own needy citizens, and it just cannot be sustained. Something has to give, and from what this writer has read, it won't be too long before a major financial crisis occurs in our nation. The rainy day is coming!
One of the citizens that Ms. Ball interviewed, was sixty-nine year old Donna O'Brien who stated, “I remember when everybody loved America. What went wrong? They took God out. It’s scary. It makes me want to cry.”
Yes, sad to say Ms. O'Brien, they took God out (Romans 1:21-32 NLV), and it makes me want to cry as well.
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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