Noting these two recent Reuters articles here and here, we can plainly see what the problems are for holding up confirmation of President Trump's nominees for administration posts — sinful pride, the abuse and misuse of power, and the fact that some folks just have to have attention.
Sinful pride has caused the downfall of both nations, i.e., Edom - Jeremiah 49:7-17; Obadiah 1:1-9; and individuals, i.e., Nebuchadnezzar (Isaiah 14:1-23. And our elected officials in Congress are not immune to having the same sinful pride; not immune to the abuse and misuse of power; and not immune to wanting to have attention, i.e., the news media.
The Proverb writer realized the problem that sinful pride produces in Proverbs 13:10 NKJV — "strife."
What's the solution to those government representatives who are opposing President Trump's nominees by causing strife within their ranks? James provides us with the biblical answer in James 4:1-10. The question is, will our representatives heed the answer?
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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