Roger Federer is considered by many in tennis, to be the greatest player who has ever played the game (see article). However, Roger Federer is more than just a great tennis player. He is one of the most caring and humble men in sports anyone would ever want to meet (see video).
Beatriz Tinoco found out what Roger Federer was all about, when she personally met him in London, through the Make-A-Wish Foundation, a non-profit organization that grants "wishes" to children with life-threatening medical conditions.
Not only did Beatriz meet Roger Federer in person and get an autographed tennis ball, but she got to play tennis with him at Wimbledon. What a thrill that must have been for this young teenage girl, after going through a harrowing bout with cancer.
See her story and the meeting between her and her hero, Roger Federer here.
Beloved, true greatness comes about by displaying an attitude of humility, a love for people, and a service oriented mindset. Roger Federer displays all three qualities in the above video. Let us display these same qualities in our lives as well, as we interact with people in our Christian walk.
—Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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