"They ..... Went Backward And Not Forward"

The scripture found in Jeremiah 7:23-24, plainly describes, not only the society found in the prophet Jeremiah's day, but in our day as well.

As I read this American Thinker article by writer, Carol Brown, my mind immediately thought of the above passage of scripture, which fully documents what happens when a society follows the counsel and the "dictates of their evil hearts" instead of the will of Almighty God (Matthew 7:21) — they literally go backward and not forward in their thinking (Isaiah 1:4). The results of such thinking being found in Romans 1:21-32.

This same prophet proclaimed in Jeremiah 10:23 that "it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps." Without God in the picture, a society becomes similar to a ship without a rudder or a captain to guide it.

As frail human beings, we like to think that we are the captain of our souls, but are we really? (see here).

Beloved, if Jesus rides in our boat, we will go forward, our destination being an assured certainty (John 14:1-3). We will have nothing to fear (Romans 8:28-39).

But if Jesus doesn't ride in our boat, we will of a certainty go backward — and this is exactly what our society is doing today.

What's the cure? See here.

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
