Independence And Dependence

As we are about to celebrate our nation's 241st Independence Day on July 4th, it greatly saddens me to think how far down the morality scale our society has fallen in the past three generations. Our nation is becoming more like the Roman Empire every day (and through a study of history, we know what happened to the Roman Empire -- see here).

The Ecclesiastes writer agrees with the modern day adage that history repeats itself (Ecclesiastes 1:9  NLT - see Coffman). Also see Ecclesiastes 3:15 NLT. If this is true (and it is), our once great nation is not far away from self-destruction.

Beloved, in this writer's view of past history, we had better be setting our house in order ..... the writing is on the wall.

We can celebrate our independence as a free nation under God, only when we realize and understand that our dependence is upon God and not ourselves (Proverbs 3:5-6; Jeremiah 10:23).

Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
