"It's All For The Children"

For the past 27 years that this writer has lived in El Paso, school bond issues by local school districts, have been passed time and time again under the guise of "it's all for the children." Now folks, if you really believe that, I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona that I'll sell you extremely cheap (tongue-in-cheek).

The El Paso school district recently passed a $669 million bond project to supposedly revamp the aging infrastructure of the district (see here).  The district actually needed 1.2 billion to properly update the infrastructure (from the above link, scroll down to FAQS section and click on "why is the bond so big"), simply because there was no daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly planning to keep the infrastructure up-to-date, thus all of a sudden, the district now needs 1.2 billion?

An investigation by news reporters from our local newspaper, tells us that the bond "brought on" a consultant that the school district pays $1,500 per day (see here). An internal audit is being conducted to see what's going on with certain "unusual practices." My questions are: (1) "Why does the district need to hire an outside consultant at $1,500 per day?" Don't they have enough intelligent and educated folks in the district to take care of any problem that arises?; and (2) why wasn't the infrastructure kept up-to-date over the years? Haven't so-called "educated" folks ever heard of planning for things to deteriorate and the law of replacement?

Folks, as a former employee with the school district, there's a lot of under-the-table deals that go on under the guise of "it's all for the children" mantra. When you're dealing with millions of taxpayer dollars, overseen by just a select few, you will definitely have corruption, deceit and graft going on. Sad to say, it's the inclination of the beast; the beast being representative of mankind (Ecclesiastes 7:29). Thus, it's not "all for the children" -- but for dishonest bureaucrats padding their pocketbooks.

Beloved, God demands complete honesty in our every day interaction with our fellowman (Romans 12:17; 2 Corinthians 8:19-21; 1 Peter 2:12 KJV) -- and that includes our local school district officials.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
