As indicated in this American Thinker article by author Thomas Lifson, plagiarism (stealing the written words of others) is still alive and well (see article). Through the years, we have seen through their words and actions, that both Bill and Hillary Clinton represent the epitome of moral corruption (and yet, they have not been incarcerated for any crime - amazing, isn't it?).
To this writer, this strongly indicates that there are others (both in and out of our government) covering up the Clinton's cover-ups (could Hillary Clinton's "spiritual adviser" be one of them?).
In the above article, the Clinton's are compared to a tornado (leaving devastation in the lives of people they touch), from the following quote from former business partner Jim McDougall: "I think the Clintons are really sort of like tornadoes moving through people's lives. I'm just one of the people left in the wake of their passing by."
Sadly, on the other side of the coin, there are those in the religious world, who "steal" God's words by substituting their own words, thus endangering the souls of those who would hear and follow their teachings. The apostle Paul warns the Ephesian elders about these false teachers in Acts 20:29-31, as does the apostle Peter in 2 Peter 2:1-3.
How do we discover whether or not preachers, teachers, and other church leaders are telling us the truth? (John 17:17).
Beloved, "The proof is in the pudding" -- in other words, like the Berean Jews, we must "test" their teaching by the standard of God's truth, to see if what we are hearing, is truly coming from God's word (Acts 17:10-11).
This is why 2 Timothy 2:15 to "study" (KJV) is a command from God to all baptized believers.
What's the bottom line? God will not tolerate moral corruption in any shape, form or fashion (Galations 6:7-8).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
To this writer, this strongly indicates that there are others (both in and out of our government) covering up the Clinton's cover-ups (could Hillary Clinton's "spiritual adviser" be one of them?).
In the above article, the Clinton's are compared to a tornado (leaving devastation in the lives of people they touch), from the following quote from former business partner Jim McDougall: "I think the Clintons are really sort of like tornadoes moving through people's lives. I'm just one of the people left in the wake of their passing by."
Sadly, on the other side of the coin, there are those in the religious world, who "steal" God's words by substituting their own words, thus endangering the souls of those who would hear and follow their teachings. The apostle Paul warns the Ephesian elders about these false teachers in Acts 20:29-31, as does the apostle Peter in 2 Peter 2:1-3.
How do we discover whether or not preachers, teachers, and other church leaders are telling us the truth? (John 17:17).
Beloved, "The proof is in the pudding" -- in other words, like the Berean Jews, we must "test" their teaching by the standard of God's truth, to see if what we are hearing, is truly coming from God's word (Acts 17:10-11).
This is why 2 Timothy 2:15 to "study" (KJV) is a command from God to all baptized believers.
What's the bottom line? God will not tolerate moral corruption in any shape, form or fashion (Galations 6:7-8).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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