In reading this above titled American Thinker article this morning, my first thought is that mankind has always been at war since the beginning of time -- a war with one another, i.e., Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-16).
Ultimately, it is a war with God and His Son. James tells us that man asks for things with selfish motives of the heart, and as a result, become God's enemy (James 4). The cure for such selfish motives are found in vs's 7-10, sadly, very few folks are seeking the cure (Matthew 7:7-8).
The real war is spiritual in nature -- not fleshly (2 Corinthians 10:1-6). It's the war over the minds of mankind, and it's been going on since Adam and Eve in the Garden (Genesis 3).
Until we humbly acknowledge that we are not God, and allow Him to be the Potter over our life here on earth, the war will continue until the end of time, where God will ultimately win over the spiritual forces of evil (Revelation 15 - note the key word "victory" in vs. 2 ..... and the spiritual war mentioned in Revelation 20:7-15).
We must be willing to look daily into God's mirror (Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV), and pattern our thinking and lives (Galations 2:20) after the One who sacrificed His life that we might have true life (John 3:16-17; John 10:10) -- that abundant spiritual life that is soon to come for those who remain faithful to the Lord (Colossians 3; Revelation 2:10).
Beloved, when mankind gets right, our world will be right (with God), and not one second before.
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
Ultimately, it is a war with God and His Son. James tells us that man asks for things with selfish motives of the heart, and as a result, become God's enemy (James 4). The cure for such selfish motives are found in vs's 7-10, sadly, very few folks are seeking the cure (Matthew 7:7-8).
The real war is spiritual in nature -- not fleshly (2 Corinthians 10:1-6). It's the war over the minds of mankind, and it's been going on since Adam and Eve in the Garden (Genesis 3).
Until we humbly acknowledge that we are not God, and allow Him to be the Potter over our life here on earth, the war will continue until the end of time, where God will ultimately win over the spiritual forces of evil (Revelation 15 - note the key word "victory" in vs. 2 ..... and the spiritual war mentioned in Revelation 20:7-15).
We must be willing to look daily into God's mirror (Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV), and pattern our thinking and lives (Galations 2:20) after the One who sacrificed His life that we might have true life (John 3:16-17; John 10:10) -- that abundant spiritual life that is soon to come for those who remain faithful to the Lord (Colossians 3; Revelation 2:10).
Beloved, when mankind gets right, our world will be right (with God), and not one second before.
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
Related Article: This Is War
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