An individual can "look" busy (it's a smokescreen, folks), and not be accomplishing anything worthwhile at all. There's a common saying, which can describe many school districts (or the corporate world as well): Lot's of activity, very little progress.
In the comments section of the above article, Galenical writes the following: "Stupidity has been around since, well, uh, forever and it will continue to flourish. Modern stupidity flourishes differently than the stupidity of old. The stupidity of old was based on ignorance and the ignorant had only a few ways to become literate as population centers were far apart and most peoples were more inclined to pay attention to where their next meal was originating. Modern stupidity is based on laziness. Valid information is easily available but the majority are fat and happy in their ignorance as there is no worry where that next meal is originating. Fat and happy breeds true stupidity."
Yes, due to our nation's welfare system (where everyone in that system is subservient to the government for handouts instead of hand ups), modern stupidity (and even ignorance) is indeed based on laziness. When Galenical writes that "valid information is easily available, but the majority are fat and happy in their ignorance .... fat and happy breeds true stupidity" .... he hits the proverbial nail on the head.
Sadly, the above mindset has bled over into the church over the past three generations. Christians have become "fat and happy" because of our nation's affluence. What's the solution? Christianity must become our passion -- not simply a passing fancy or hobby reserved for only two days a week. Beloved, neither stupidity nor laziness will be acceptable or tolerated on Judgment Day (Matthew 20:1-16; 25:24-30).
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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