Commitment In Marriage

Brother Steve Fontenot is one of the writers for the "Think On These Things" Christian publication. In the quarterly edition of the publication (January-February-March, 2018, Volume 49, No. 1), brother Fontenot writes this above titled article, emphasizing the importance of commitment in marriage (see article).

Regarding commitment, he writes: "Commitment affects the success or failure of a marriage -- not simply a commitment to stay together, but a commitment to be what God wants a husband or wife to be." Brother Fontenot then describes what qualities a wife should demonstrate in being a "helper suitable" for her husband (Genesis 2:18), as well as the qualities a husband should demonstrate toward his wife in "cleaving" to her (Genesis 2:24; cf. Matthew 19:5; Ephesians 5:31).

He then asks three questions regarding the husband and wife's role in the marriage relationship: (1) Husbands, are you committed to "love your wives as Christ also loved the church" (Ephesians 5:25 - see article) and "live with your wives in an understanding way .... and grant her honor ...." (1 Peter 3:7 - see article); (2) Wives, are you committed to "respecting" (Ephesians 5:31 - see article) your husband in this solemn role as leader of your family, striving to "do him good and not evil all the days of your life" (Proverbs 31:12 - see article); (3) Are you [both] committed to meeting one another's sexual needs and interests (1 Corinthians 7:1-5 - see article).

In closing, Brother Fontenot states: "Haphazard, lazy, selfish attitudes and conduct will not produce successful marriages .... without commitment to the love, service, and honor of one another, your marriage will "fail" to reach the potential God intended."

Beloved, let us sincerely ponder and meditate upon the above scriptures and thoughts that Brother Fontenot has presented in his good article, and willingly do those things that will bring us closer to our Heavenly Father, and closer to one another in our marriage relationships (see herehere, here, here).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
