Obeying The Rule Of Law

This morning's walk was an uneventful one, until I saw an individual in an automobile breaking a school zone law of 20 mph. The individual was speeding through the school zone at a low estimate of 30-40 mph. Fortunately, there was a motorcycle policeman nearby who noticed the same offender as I did. He proceeded to catch the offender and provide him/her with a Valentine's Day gift in the form of a speeding ticket (here are some various costs).

As the above individual quickly found out, we just can't disobey or circumvent the rule of law regarding school zones, and come out smelling like a rose. There are consequences that must be paid (Galations 6:7-8; Romans 6:23see here).

Plus the fact that when we exceed the lawful speed limit, whether in a school zone or on the freeway, there are several deficiencies we need to consider (see here).

Beloved, let's slow down the pace, and in so doing, learn to smell the roses that God has created, not only for our benefit, but for the benefit of others.

In slowing down, we are taking the time to help life sing its song, remembering that the music of this short life won't last (see here).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

Related Article: "Only What's Done For Christ Will Last"
