The Blame Game And Answers

In reading this American Thinker article regarding the Parkland, Florida shooting, this writer looked at all of the blaming of various entities, and realized that the blame game continues on and on (since Adam and Eve).

Then I looked at the beginning statement of the last paragraph in the above article by writer, Brian C. Joondeph:

"Lots of questions. Few Answers."

Beloved, the Bible contains both answers and solutions to not only the shooting of innocent school children in our nation, but to abortion and any other sin against God that mankind willfully engages in (see here).

The sad conclusion this writer has come to is that no one wants the answer, because they would actually have to open God's Book to "seek" and "find" the answer (Matthew 7:7; cf. Jeremiah 29:13) -- and they don't want to (Romans 1:28-32 NET).

Why? Because they themselves are not seeking an answer or solution to their own sin problem (see herehere, and here).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
