Looking at future Smart Homes (see here, here, and here), this writer firmly believes that only the rich (the upper middle class) will be able to afford one, and that (sadly) instant self-gratification will be one of the prime reasons for owning one (see here).
Looking at the latest in digital assistants, i.e., Bixby (also see here), this writer firmly believes that relying on digital assistants will cause humans to become mentally lazy, not working the greatest computer ever designed (the human brain). And not working the greatest computer ever designed, can only help facilitate the possible onset of Alzheimer's and Dementia (here are 15 brain exercises designed to help prevent Alzheimer's and Dementia).
After looking closely at the above three paragraphs and related links regarding the digital age, smart homes, and digital assistants, this writer concludes that the only thing the digital age will produce (and has already produced), is more lazy and irresponsible people (see here, here, here, and here).
Rest assured, laziness will not be tolerated either here on earth (1 Corinthians 15:58; cf. 1 Corinthians 3:5-9), nor in heaven (Revelation 7:15; 22:3). God expects us to give Him our very best, and nothing less will suffice (see here). Beloved, let's seriously think about it!
---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
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