Beto And The "F" Word

My late grandmother once told me, "Mike, an individual who uses curse words and vulgarity to express himself, portrays himself as an individual having an inferior self-image, lack of self-confidence, and a very limited vocabulary."

Thankfully, this writer does not know Beto O'Rourke personally, but it seems to me that an individual who graduated in 1995 with a degree in English literature from Columbia University, and who ran a technology company here in El Paso for years (see here), would have a better grasp of the English language, and thus possess a more refined and sophisticated vocabulary than an individual who used the "F" word on a national news network, with its news anchor (Brian Williams) having to apologize for his language (see here).

And I'm also wondering if Beto uses such vulgarity in front of his wife and children, and what kind of male role model/example are they seeing, and his children soon be imitating? (if they are not already).

Beloved, our world is watching and observing us every day, and so is our Lord (see here). The question is, what kind of individual are they seeing? (see here). Here is what they are seeing in Beto.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets

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