Debt, Stress And Health --- All Interconnected

As I viewed this MSN article as to "why" Americans are under stress and "why" that stress is leading to several health issues that are listed in the article, I thought to myself, "When we spend ourselves into oblivion due to excessive spending habits, i.e., credit card and student loan debt, what other outcome can we expect?"

This writer experienced similar stress in paying off my late wife's medical bills (see here), but thankfully, God provided me the time (3 years) and the resolve to pay them all off one bill at a time, to where I am today totally debt free.

Regarding financial debt, one thing is certain, we can't borrow our way out of debt (see article), but we can certainly change our spending habits by knowing the difference between "needs" and "wants" (see article).

There is no valid reason for not being able to save money (see here), but we must learn to deny ourselves things we don't actually need and live frugal lives (see here).

All of the above thoughts revert back to the financial principle of being a good steward of the Lord's money.

There's no doubt about it, debt, stress and health are all interconnected. But once we get out of debt, our stress and health-related issues will dramatically lower themselves to manageable levels. And in some cases, completely done away with (as in my case).

Beloved, let's seriously get out of debt and stay out of debt (Romans 13:8) so that we can help other folks do the same. Then with the money we save, invest in saving lost souls for increasing God's kingdom (Acts 2:37-47).

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
