Some Unexpected Company

This morning was the morning scheduled for cleaning up the backyard that had become overgrown in dandelions due to recent rains. The task took approximately one and a half hours. For the first hour, I had some unexpected company join me in the form of Cleo the cat. Cleo quietly sat on the ground observing me digging up the unwanted dandelions.

Cleo has a personality 180 degrees opposite from Rex the cat in this article, in that after two years of living next door, he is still skittish around me. Hopefully, he will allow me to pet him one day. Since I live by myself, Cleo was a welcome guest who I spoke to as I was removing the dandelions from the yard. Through His providence, God had provided Cleo the cat to keep me company, so I wouldn't feel alone.

Cleo reminded me of some other unexpected guests (the ravens) in 1 Kings 17:1-6 who, at God's command, fed Elijah the prophet in the wilderness during a long extended drought (scroll down page here to read the story).

The two above illustrations demonstrate the fact that God provides for folks who put their complete trust in Him (cf. Genesis 22, noting specifically vs. 8). Also note Psalm 55:22; Proverbs 3:5-6; Matthew 6:25, 33.

---Mike Riley, Gospel Snippets
